DANA UI Template

Using DANA FIAT Design System


FIAT is the term DANA's design system, thus you will see the f- prefix in our naming.
We convince our merchants that using our components would make your development process easier and faster

Current Version

v1.0.0 (21/06/2022) (latest)

Getting Started

  • To use our styled component you need to download the .zip file here
  • Unzip the file on your device
  • Open Mini Program Studio IDE
  • Login to the IDE with your credentials
  • Click Open Project and choose the unzipped dowloaded file



  • Directly edit the imported project and start working there


  • Create a new blank Mini Program project
  • Copy styles folder to your local project
  • Add this line on the top of your app.acss file
@import "./styles/fonts.acss";
@import "./styles/fiat-commons.acss";
  • To use FIAT component, for example f-btn, copy / merge the template from components to your components folder on your blank project
  • Register the component to your page folder i.e pages/index/index.json


  "usingComponents": {
     "f-btn": "/components/fiat/f-btn/f-btn"
  • Use the styled component in your page
<view class="f-body m-16">  
  <f-btn>Button Primary</f-btn>
  <f-btn style="height: 10px" disabled>Button Primary disabled</f-btn>


  • f-accordion
  • f-accordion-item
  • f-btn
  • f-card
  • f-card-actions
  • f-card-content
  • f-cell
  • f-checkbox-groups
  • f-collapse
  • f-dialog
  • f-divider
  • f-icon
  • f-input
  • f-notif
  • f-ovelay
  • f-radio and f-radio-groups
  • f-select
  • f-sheet
  • f-stepper
  • f-switch
  • f-tabs
  • f-textarea
  • f-toast

Future Pipeline

  • Add package to npm
  • Add UI documentation


If you find any bug please directly raise to DANA Mini Program Team